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100 FAQ's on Basic Finance

Module Units

What are the must know things about family finance?

It's crucial for everyone to be part of family financial planning, knowing what's what, who to contact, and what to do in emergencies

A few points that you should know about family finance:

  • You should discuss with your family about managing your consolidated monthly income and how much to keep aside for each requirement.
  • Your family members should be covered with the best health insurance plans.
  • If you want to make a big purchase for the family after a few years, then you should start investing in products which have low risk and will also solve your purpose.
  • Appointing a nominee for all your assets will reduce the problems faced by your family in case of your death.
  • It takes discipline and efforts from all the family members to ensure that the financial goals of the family are fulfilled.

There are a few tips to keep in consideration while making a family finance-

  • Set clear financial goals and plan how to reach them. For instance, if you're saving for a family vacation, determine the cost and start saving regularly to meet that goal. Planning ahead is key.

  • Make a budget that covers all your expenses and income. Allocate every dollar to a category, ensuring nothing is left unaccounted for. This way, you're not restricting spending, but rather planning for it.

  • Use online tools to track your expenses instead of relying on old-fashioned methods like the shoebox. This helps you understand where your money is going and can lead to surprising revelations, like how much you spend on certain services.

  • Organize your bill payments by using separate bank accounts for different expenses. This makes it easier to manage your money and see where it's being allocated.

  • Review your account statements regularly to catch fraudulent charges, errors, or changes in terms. Small charges can add up over time, so it's important to pay attention to your finances and take action when necessary.

Also, discussing and organizing your finances, creating a plan, and sharing it with your family can ease stress during unexpected events or changes.

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