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Introduction to Banking

Benefits Of UPI System

The introduction of UPI has brought the following benefits to customers:


  • 24 X 7 X 365 availability
  • Transacting using a virtual ID without the requirement to share credentials repeatedly
  • Accessing multiple bank accounts through a single app
  • Authentication in a single click
  • Availability of help when needed

Things to remember while using UPI

Users need to make sure that the mobile phone is locked using a secure PIN or fingerprint lock. Users need to ensure that the mobile number entered in the UPI system is correct.


The UPI PIN has to be entered every time a transaction is carried out. Hence, remembering the same is essential.


Being a Banker is an interesting profession full of learning opportunities. The industry is going through a revolution across the globe especially due to the most competitive digitization initiatives. New technology comes in every now and then making the previous ones irrelevant. Staying updated will lead the pathway to staying relevant.

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