Guide to Mutual Funds

Key Personnel of an Asset Management Company

Key Personnel of an AMC

The key personnel of an entity are those people who have the authority to plan and direct the activities of the entity.


Apart from knowing your  fund manager, it is important to  understand these designations of the AMC as well -

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO) 
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Head- Sales
  • Head- Fixed Income 
  • Fund Manager- Equity 
  • Fund Manager- Debt 
  • Head- Compliance
  • Investor Relations Officer

The divisions  within  an AMC are made on  the basis  of  which  segment of  the market the fund market handles.Under  each  fund manager,  there  are  analysts and  other professionals  who assist  the fund manager with the smooth functioning of the mutual fund schemes.

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Which authorities regulate the Mutual Fund industry?

There are two  regulatory bodies which oversee the functioning of the mutual fund industry- 

  • SEBI 
  • AMFI

Securities Exchange Board  of India (SEBI)

SEBI  regulates  the mutual funds as a separate  segment  of  the stock market.  It  builds  the rules and regulations for all AMCs and the basic functioning of all mutual funds in the country


Association of Mutual  Funds in India (AMFI)

AMFI  is  an industry-standard  organization  for  all mutual  funds of  the country.  It  is  a not-for-profit organization that aims to spread investor awareness about the mutual funds industry.

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