Personal Finance for Teens

No Amount Is Too Small

Savings are the foundational crust of your personal finance journey. Adopt the habit of saving a portion of whatever money you earn/receive. 


Trust me, it is a reckless habit to splurge your entire income and it will lead you nowhere. You will just be living a life that goes paycheck to paycheck. It is all happy and fun when the sun is out but the boat risks being capsized on a rainy day. Unexpected expenses are bound to occur and you must be prepared for any such contingencies. 


Do not be disillusioned that savings are meant only for people with regular paychecks. Small amounts add up to a huge number. 


Learn the art of prioritizing your expenses.  You don’t have to become a miser in this process, but the basic idea must be clear to you- spend on your needs, and save on your wants. Spending less on unimportant things in life will leave you with a better chance to have everything that matters the most. 


In my case, vacations have always topped the priority list. It takes me around six to eight months of absolute penance to save up for a nice outing. I often feel the sudden urge to spend it all on clothes, food, and gadgets but I have successfully been able to keep them in check, at least till now.  


So, What’s been on your mind lately? 


You can get what you want with just a little frugality. 


Go the extra mile to save a few bucks wherever possible. Cut down on those extravagant coffee dates, ditch the car, and use public transport instead, and avoid splurging on so-called bargain deals. These little steps will go a big big way in realizing your objectives. 


Beware of the little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship“ - Benjamin Franklin 


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