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A Reliable Tool for Stock Market Trading - Relative Price

Get the recording of Mr. Bajaj’s webinar, “Trading Strategy using relative price Theory”, click here -

In this video, we have with us Mr, Vivek Bajaj, co-founder of StockEdge and Elearnmarkets, who will be talking about how the current time period in the stock market highlights its volatility and trading or investment opportunities.

Mr. Bajaj starts the conversation with the importance of measuring the market’s volatility at a turbulent time like this. He makes some suggestions regarding investors and traders regarding our interactions with the stock market during this downturn.

We will highlight the importance of passive trading and investing which can help us generate potential opportunities for us in the stock market.

Mr. Bajaj also talks about relative price theory in his webinar, where he gives us a complete understanding of this topic and he gives us some techniques through which we can apply this theory in our trades as well.