Learn Trading Under The Guidance of Vivek Bajaj + 4 Mentors - Know More

“The number one problem in today's generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy.”

                    -- Alan Greenspan, Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the United States

One of the most crucial life skills that everybody requires is financial education. Money management is needed at every stage of life for a variety of reasons. We need it to meet our regular expenses, secure our future, and to tide over the various crises that can come our way. Unfortunately, this is an aspect that is not addressed by formal education systems in many countries, including India.

You might be surprised to know that lack of financial literacy is not a problem that concerns the underprivileged only. Even many highly educated persons today are woefully ignorant about even basic financial matters like operating a bank account. This causes them to neglect some important financial activities, like investing, getting insured, and saving for their retirement. This has spelt doom for many families, in the cities and rural areas alike.

We are committed to spreading financial literacy

Elearnmarkets.com recognizes that the lack of financial literacy is a serious impediment to the economic growth of India. Hence, we have made it our mission to spread financial literacy in multiple ways. Anyone can learn this basic life skill from us, and evolve into a financially aware individual.

Financial literacy through Elearnmarkets.com:

Anyone can access our portal to access a variety of online educational resources and learn at their own convenience. These include:

Finance Courses:

  • Expert-led Recorded Programs: Included in our online course library are several premium and free courses that teach you the basics of financial markets. These will teach you about basics of investments in mutual funds, fixed income securities, banking, and capital markets. You can also learn about various financial policies adopted by the Government and about essential tools like accounting software is and spreadsheets that will help you to plan your finances well. These courses are also designed by the market experts with the same care and enthusiasm with which they prepare our premium courses.
  • Live interactive sessions (webinars): Recorded webinars on financial markets and career prospects in the capital markets are available for you to view at any time and from any place of your choice. Get the pleasure of learning from a market expert as you would in a classroom environment.
  • E-books: There are various e-books on capital markets and technical analysis, which you can download and read at your convenience. 
  • Evaluation and test analysis: We will conduct chapter-wise quizzes and module tests during the course to test your understanding. After each test, you will receive a detailed analysis of your test results showing how you have performed. You can then focus on the areas where you have not performed well to improve your understanding.
    These regular evaluations will also build your confidence to face the comprehensive test that will be conducted once you have completed the course, leading you to a certification from us. 
  • Interactive learning tools: Your learning will not be complete unless you know how to apply it practically. We will provide you with access to a variety of sophisticated financial market tools as a part of your course. Use of these tools will strengthen your understanding, and give you a feel of the excitements and challenges that the real financial markets will present to you every day.
  • Community: Have a question? We have a vibrant forum where people like you meet and interact online. Feel free to post your query on this forum and get it answered by an expert or by other users. We will provide lifetime support to you through this forum, so that your journey for financial literacy continues unhindered.
  • Live Market Data Analytics: You can visit our blog to read live market analysis and articles containing recent updates in financial markets and view videos where we analyze news daily. These will get you started with analyzing the markets on your own.


We believe that the best way to spread financial literacy is to educate the youngsters. So we conduct seminars in various colleges and educational institution where our experts speak about financial literacy to young students. They are encouraged to pass on the information gathered to their family members and friends, so that the knowledge spreads with a cascading effect.

We also make the students aware of the exciting career options available in capital markets and the financial services industry, and how they can prepare themselves to grab the available opportunities. 

Going Forward:

We are committed to making more courses and seminars available to everyone in the days to come. So go ahead, register for a course and start your journey towards becoming a financially aware individual.