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100 FAQ's on Basic Finance

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How to choose the best investment instrument for your goals?

The best financial instruments for investment should be chosen based on your age, financial goals and risk appetite.

There are various types of instruments- Mutual Funds, Derivatives, Bonds, ETFs, Cash Instruments and many more.

A Few Factors that should be considered while choosing the best investment instrument among them-

Financial goals

Before choosing any financial instrument, you should be clear about your short-term and long-term financial goals. Only then can you understand which instrument will best suit you.

A true analysis of the risk profile 

Everyone has a different capacity to take risks. It depends on various factors such as income, expenses, dependence, and much more. Once you have that clear, you will be able to decide which product suits you the best.

Factor in your age and financial ability

Different instruments are beneficial to different age groups, considering their financial health at a certain age. Retirement and tax-benefiting instruments are more useful at a later age. Also, the risk-taking capacity is much greater at an early age compared to when there is accountability to the family.

Investing In financial Instruments that you understand 

Fads and random investment tools hype is something that is seen a lot in today's generation. But one thing that needs to be understood and implemented is “Invest only in something that you Understand”. Investing in things like cryptocurrency, options, and NFTs without any knowledge can cause serious financial setbacks.

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