FAKE by Robert Kiyosaki

Fishing In Clean Water: Fake News…And Transparency

In a capitalist government, a democracy wants citizens to be partners, investing in projects the government needs done.


A communist government is centralized, and most capital projects are run by government bureaucrats. In China, for instance, most of the rich are friends of bureaucrats, or “princelings,” children of bureaucrats.


In the United States, “a free-market economy” means that ordinary people and citizen entrepreneurs are encouraged to participate in projects the government wants and needs done via tax incentives.


Tax Incentives for Housing. For example, the government needs entrepreneurs to provide housing. This is why “depreciation” is a tax incentive for real estate investors.


Tax Incentives for Jobs. The government also wants people to provide jobs. That is why entrepreneurs in the Business quadrant with over 500 employees pay less in taxes.


Big business attracts small business, which means more jobs, and more jobs mean more housing, more schools, more government service employees, and more taxes to city and state governments.


Tax and tax incentives are the engine of capitalism.

Failure is the other side of success. You need to go to school to be a doctor or lawyer, a tradesman, or a highly paid employee. But you do not need to go to school to become a rich entrepreneur or investor.


What the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not.


Infinite ROI: Return on Information

There are many doors to financial heaven. And even more doors to financial hell. It is information that makes the rich richer, not money. Information that is not taught in schools.


Pictured below is what is taught in schools:



This is what students are taught in schools. Notice where the cash flows from and to.


Debt is a loaded gun. A loaded gun can protect you and a loaded gun can kill you.

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