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Stock Market Wizards


About the book

Stock Market Wizards by Jack Schwager is a collection of interviews with traders who have turned scanty sums into great fortunes. By reading this book, you can extract tremendous knowledge. It taps into the minds of the successful traders and reveals the secret of their astounding success.
This book also reveals the psychology and mechanics behind the trading world. 


About the author

Jack D. Schwager is a recognized industry expert on futures and hedge funds and the author of a number of widely acclaimed financial books, including Hedge Fund Market Wizards. He is currently the co-portfolio manager for the ADM Investor Services Diversified Strategies Fund, a portfolio of futures and FX managed accounts. He is also an advisor to MarkeTopper Securities, an India-based quantitative trading firm. His prior experience also includes over twenty years as a director of futures research for some of Wall Street's leading firms.


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The book is a collection of interviews with those traders who achieved phenomenal success in stock trading and disclose useful insights so that you can become successful in trading. We highly recommend you to read the entire book. (affiliate link)


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