Think and Grow Rich

Decision: The Mastery Of Procrastination

The seventh step towards riches.


According to the author, one of the main reasons why people fail is because they procrastinate, i.e., the action of delaying or postponing a task. Most people wait before they start a task and thus lose interest and ultimately fail in their objective.


Procrastination is an enemy that every person must learn to conquer. Analysis of successful people shows us that they had the habit of making a decision promptly and changed their decisions rarely.


Hill cites the example of Henry Ford, who was known to make quick decisions and changed them very slowly. He was also labelled as an obstinate, i.e., a person who sticks to the decision he makes. Many advisors and customers said that the car Ford was manufacturing at that time was ugly, but he chose to stick to his original decision. The sales of that particular model were huge and Ford booked huge profits from it.


People who fail to accumulate sufficient money, often get influenced by other people's opinions. They let these opinions do the thinking for them. If one is influenced by several opinions, he will never be able to make his own decisions. Many of our friends and relatives tend to ridicule us so much that it can destroy our self-confidence. 


Every man has got his own brain and should use it. Hill also advises us to keep our eyes and ears wide open and mouths closed.


“If you talk more than you listen then you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to accumulate knowledge.” 


It also discloses your plans to people who will enjoy defeating you. 


One must never forget that every person wants to accumulate wealth. If you talk and disclose your plans, you will be surprised because the other person will put your plan into action before you do and will  beat you.


“Tell the world what you intend to do, but first Show It”. -Napoleon Hill


The value of your decisions depends on whether you have the courage required to undertake those decisions. This courage is a result of desire, decision, faith, persistence, mastermind, and organised planning. Indecision usually begins in youth. No educational system teaches the habit of definite decisions. 


This is the reason why 98% of the people are ready to work for wages and don’t have the power to choose their employer. 


People who make decisions in the spirit of faith, can solve their problems and win spiritual and material wealth. However, one must have the courage to undertake the decision he/she has made.

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