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Think and Grow Rich

Organized Planning: The Crystallization Of Desire Into Action

This chapter explains why planning is the most important part of any business and the sixth step towards riches. 


If a plan doesn't work then one should think of a new one. No matter how many times your plans fail, you should keep thinking of a new one until one works for you. Many people fail because of the lack of persistence to come up with a new plan when the existing one fails. 


They fail to understand that it is just a temporary defeat, and it only means that the plan is wrong and it needs to be fixed. Even the most successful people cannot succeed until their plan is practical and workable. While planning, one must prepare himself for temporary defeat and be ready with a modified plan.


Thomas Edison was also defeated 10,000 times before he successfully invented the light bulb. In the case of successful men, we often see their victory and overlook their temporary defeats which they faced.


The author shares a couple of steps that can be used to construct a practical plan to accomplish a goal.


  • You must collaborate with the masterminds to ensure the direction and viability of your plan.
  • Before forming alliances you must be clear about what you can offer them in return for their service.
  • You must ensure to meet your mastermind group at least twice a week to work on your strategies.
  • You must have a friendly relation with your group and maintain harmony.

When defeat comes, it basically signals that your plans are not sound and you need to rebuild them if you want to reach your goal. If you give up before achieving, then you will be labelled as a “quitter”.


There are two types of people - one, who is the Leader and the other who is the Follower. Although there is no harm in being a follower, there is no credit either. Followers cannot expect the amount of compensation to which the leaders are entitled. It will be a mistake on their part if they expect such a payment by just being a follower.


Most great leaders began by being a follower.


The only difference between a successful and an unsuccessful person is that a successful person chooses to be an intelligent follower. An intelligent leader has the biggest advantage in the form of an opportunity to gain knowledge from his leader. This in turn helps him to become an efficient leader.


According to the author, the following qualities are important leadership attributes:


  • Unwavering courage - If a leader lacks confidence, he will not be able to dominate his followers.
  • Self-control - One who cannot control himself, can never control others. This is why one should have control over his mind and thoughts at all times.
  • A keen sense of justice - Without a sense of justice, a leader won't be able to retain the respect of his followers.
  • Definiteness of decision - A person who wavers his decision signifies uncertainty and hence, cannot be an effective leader.
  • The habit of doing more than paid for - A leader should always be willing to do more than what is required.
  • A pleasing personality - A leader calls for respect and hence cannot be careless.
  • Sympathy and understanding - A successful leader must understand his followers and their problems.
  • Mastery of detail - Successful leadership calls for mastery in every detail.
  • Willingness to assume full responsibility -  A successful leader must be willing to take the responsibility for any mistake or shortcoming from his/her followers.
  • Cooperation - Leadership calls for power which in turn calls for cooperation. 

There are two types of leadership. One leadership is by consent and the other is by force. 


Leadership by force cannot last long. The employer-employee relationship must be more like a partnership. It is also very important to know what not to do just as much as it is to know what to do. Hence, 10 major causes of failure in leadership are as follows:


  • Inability to organise details.
  • Unwillingness to render humble service.
  • The expectation to pay for what they know instead of what they do.
  • Fear of competition from followers.
  • Lack of imagination.
  • Selfishness.
  • Intemperance.
  • Disloyalty.
  • The emphasis on authority because an efficient leader leads by encouraging and not by instilling fear in the hearts of his followers.
  • A man who has too much to make from his title has very little to emphasize on other things.

Hill goes on to explain that there are 30 major reasons for a man's failure. One must go through them regularly to check and avoid them. To avoid them, one must also go through this self-analysis questionnaire. The most important of all the questions are:


  • Have I delivered the best quality service?
  • Have I delivered it in the greatest quantity without any delay?
  • Have I been able to work in peace and harmony?
  • Have I been persistent?

A capitalistic society guarantees an opportunity to everyone and provides the best service. The system will give all the rights required but will never allow “something for nothing”.


In a nutshell, this chapter introduces us to three ideas. The first one is checking that the plan created by you is realistic. It is likely that the first plan is not the definite one, but you have to give your best to make it a realistic one. For this, you must seek professional advice.


The second idea is the modification of your plans. It is not important for you to stick to the original plan forever, instead, you should keep changing it until it looks apt. The key here is trial and error. Instead of wasting time in developing a perfect plan or product, you must start trying. The earlier you start the earlier you know what is not working for you.


The third point is about self-introspection and awareness. A plan proves to be a failure when the person who is supposed to carry it out is not ready. Organised planning not only means planning perfectly but also means analysing yourself and being ready to accept the changes required.

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