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GST Calculator

Quickly compute Goods and Services Tax (GST) amounts for your transactions with our GST Calculator, simplifying your tax calculations.

 Visual representation of GST calculation with tax percentages


Minimum value should be ₹5000 (without decimal).

Tax slab


Minimum value should be 1

*GST Exclusive: Amount entered does not contain GST.

Actual Amount = {{investment_num}}

GST amount = {{totalGst | newcustomcurrency}}

Total Amount

{{postGST | newcustomcurrency}}

Actual Amount + GST amount = Total Amount

*GST Inclusive: Amount entered contains GST.

Actual Amount = {{investment_num}}

GST amount = {{totalGSTPre | newcustomcurrency}}

Total Amount

{{preGST | newcustomcurrency}}

Actual Amount - GST amount = Total Amount