Narrative and Numbers: The Value of Stories in Business


About the book

Narrative & Numbers: The Value of Stories in Business is one of the best books on business valuation that teaches you the importance of storytelling while crunching numbers in order to perform your analysis and valuation for any company. The book majorly focuses on the differences between numbers and stories. If a business valuation is not supported by an underlying story, it will seem soulless and untrustworthy. However, if a story lacks numerical evidence to back it up, then there's a chance that it might be a scam. So, the book is a must-read for all investors and managers or even the founders and CEOs of a company because it teaches business valuation in a unique and effective way. It explains how both narrative and numbers are equally important for analyzing whether a company is undervalued or overvalued so that you can appropriately take a decision to invest. This book can be used by investors, analysts and even the management in order to value a company.


About the Author

The book is authored by Mr. Aswath Damodaran, who is a professor at New York University and also an experienced investor. He wrote quite a number of books on finance, valuation and corporate finance. In his book 'Narrative & Numbers', the professor has emphasized the fact that business valuation is all about combining stories with numbers. Both are essential to succeed. Professor Aswath Damodaran is popularly known as "Wall Street's Dean of Valuation". 


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The book teaches you a unique way to value a company and how easily it is possible to find out whether the company is undervalued or overvalued. We highly recommend you to read the entire book. (affiliate link)


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