In this video, Mr. Koushik Mohan will help us explore investing intricacies, from decoding numbers to uncovering financial manipulation. Learn about cash flow analysis, long-term investments, and financial forensics. Invest wisely with this comprehensive guide.Mr. Kaushik Mohan has been in the stock market for around 10 years and researched companies both by reading reports as well as doing ground visits. He interacts with the management of the companies to know what are the futuristic goals and how the companies are performing. Also, he does ground research by visiting the factories and markets to find out how the companies’ products are doing in the market.
A red flag is used as a metaphor. It is typically used to indicate that there is an issue with a specific circumstance or to raise concerns. There may be warning signs in business that alert analysts and investors to a company's or stock's potential financial problems. Economic warning signs frequently point to impending issues.There is no accepted method for recognising red flags. The research process an investor, analyst, or economist uses will determine how to find issues with an investment opportunity. Examining financial documents, economic indicators, or historical data may be part of this.
When deciding whether to invest in a company or security, investors must use due diligence. Financial statements offer a plethora of data about an organization's health and can be used to spot potential warning signs. However, if the investor is unable to read financial statements correctly, it is practically hard to spot warning signs. Understanding financial accounts thoroughly and being able to comprehend them will help you succeed when investing.
Mr Kaushik Mohan says that people usually focus on return but they should actually focus on the time. According to him, a person can generate that much amount of wealth as more he spends time in the stock market. Also, people should focus on the principal amount as without that component formula won't work. Also, when investing in the stock market, one can look at P as the amount invested. In the bear market, the probability of making good returns is bigger. So, one should never miss the bear market. At that time, one should focus on the P and not on T. Mr Kaushik Mohan found out that in the bear market, companies in which retail investors, CFO expectation problems, cyclicals and promoter pledging are maximum, companies are bound to fall.
Your Speaker
Mr. Koushik Mohan

Your Host
Vivek Bajaj