Equity, Commodity, Currency, Debt Market के बीच क्या सम्बन्ध है ? सीखें एक market के Veteran से।

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In this video of the Face2Face series, we will watch an informational conversation between Mr. Vivek Bajaj, co-founder, StockEdge, Elearnmarkets, and Mr. Rohit Srivastava, an avid investor and trader who has been a participant in the stock market for 30 years. In this video, he will explore the relationship between the equity, commodity, currency and debt markets, which can help us expertly pursue multi-asset trading and investment and the fundamental and technical analysis across different asset classes.

He highlights the importance of fundamental and technical analysis of stocks, assets, etc., with a special focus on Elliott Wave Theory. Next, he will explain how he made a gradual shift from fundamental analysis of stocks to the Elliott Wave theory to avoid the failure of any single tool affecting his trade or investment and how he now uses a combination of both to assess his trading and investment decisions. He then discusses the basic concept of the Kondratieff Economic Cycle, or the long wave, and how it helps us trace the expansion and contraction of an economy and, consequentially, the stock market.

Further, you will learn how the long wave cycle's various phases can give you information about how different asset classes, such as currencies, commodities, and debt and equity, have performed in the stock market. Observe how this cycle is used practically on a macro and short-term basis in the Indian stock market, together with charts of particular companies. Learn how the cyclical movements of different market segments are connected, and analyse the lag between cycles to help traders and investors make decisions.

Watch this video to learn more about multi-asset trading & investing, fundamental and technical analysis, and the interdependence of market segments.

Rohit Shrivastava in Face2Face

Your Speaker

Rohit Shrivastava

Rohit Sivastava has 30 years of market experience as a Market Technician, Head of Research, Strategist and Fund Manager, and has done path breaking work in combining fundamentals economics and market behavior into predictive models of asset market behavior. Rohit's popular monthly market strategy report 'The Long Short Report' does a deep dive into the long term trends across markets and different asset classes like currencies gold silver etc. He manages to link Global Macro to market action in a clear top down approach. Rohit writes a daily market newsletter for traders and investors at www.indiacharts.com to help them better understand these trends as they unfold. While doing so he does not provide advisory services or stock broking services to avoid any conflict of interest with the work he does. His objective is clear in communicating his personal investment and trading process to the world through these publications and directly with a 3 month Mentorship Program.
Mr. Vivek Bajaj

Your Host

Vivek Bajaj