Learn Trading Under The Guidance of Vivek Bajaj + 4 Mentors - Know More

Options #Strategies कैसे बनाते है? | #Options #Trading - 5

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Learn how to develop trading strategies for options. For options traders, Options Strategy is regarded as a very complex topic. Mr. Vivek Bajaj has attempted to simplify the fundamentals and the creation of options strategies. He will begin by describing the fundamental options strategy, the Bull Spread Strategy, and how to reduce the loss by simultaneously buying and selling options. Learn the fundamentals of options strategies via bull call spread strategy by watching this video.

About Mr. Vivek Bajaj

Vivek bajaj image

The passion for data, analytics and technology is what makes Vivek Bajaj a financial market survivor. The journey as a market participant started in 2002 when the first trade was executed in the options contract of ITC. Life was simpler and easier during that time. Since then technology and Big data have taken over totally. As an early adapter to the complex tools, Kredent was formed to capitalise on the opportunities. He is co-founder of StockEdge and is committed to bring simplicity in the complex world of market data. He is a Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary and an MBA from IIM Indore. He is a part of various committees of exchanges and regulator and he has been an active contributor in the evolution of Indian Derivatives Market.

Learn2Trade Series: Episode 37

Learn how to develop trading strategies for options. For options traders, Options Strategy is regarded as a very complex topic. Mr. Vivek Bajaj has attempted to simplify the fundamentals and the creation of options strategies. He will begin by describing the fundamental options strategy, the Bull Spread Strategy, and how to reduce the loss by simultaneously buying and selling options. Learn the fundamentals of options strategies via bull call spread strategy by watching this video.

About Mr. Vivek Bajaj

Vivek bajaj image

The passion for data, analytics and technology is what makes Vivek Bajaj a financial market survivor. The journey as a market participant started in 2002 when the first trade was executed in the options contract of ITC. Life was simpler and easier during that time. Since then technology and Big data have taken over totally. As an early adapter to the complex tools, Kredent was formed to capitalise on the opportunities. He is co-founder of StockEdge and is committed to bring simplicity in the complex world of market data. He is a Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary and an MBA from IIM Indore. He is a part of various committees of exchanges and regulator and he has been an active contributor in the evolution of Indian Derivatives Market.

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