Candlestick Patterns क्या है और इससे Trading कैसे करें?
Learn2Trade Series: Episode 18
Learn2Trade's 18th episode will cover all aspects of a Candlestick, from its formation to its use in trading the stock market. This video is aimed at individuals who are either new to trading in the stock market or already have a basic understanding of the candlestick pattern. To quickly understand the direction of price movements, it is essential to comprehend candlestick chart patterns . Candlestick chart pattern is one way to analyze asset price movements in technical analysis quickly. This video will explain how a candlestick is made and how it can be used to analyze the buying or selling pressure of a stock. Charts will be used to illustrate different types of candlesticks. Finally, Mr. Vivek Bajaj will talk about candlestick patterns and how they can be used in trading strategies. You can watch the whole video to learn more about candlestick formation, charts, and patterns.
What You Will Learn
In this episode of Learn2Trade, navigate with Mr.Vivek Bajaj, about the usage of the Candlestick Chart pattern for trading in stock markets. Whether you're a beginner in the stock market or grappling with the complexities of candlestick patterns, this episode is a must watch!
Candlestick patterns offer traders a visual depiction of price action and market sentiment whether the market is bullish or bearish trends or in other words low or high.
By analyzing the patterns formed by consecutive candlesticks, traders can identify trends, reversals, and potential entry or exit points for trades. Understanding the psychology behind each pattern can help traders make informed decisions and anticipate market movements.
Dive deep into understanding the formation and significance of various candlestick patterns, like Doji, Hammer and Hanging Man, Engulfing Patterns, Morning and Evening Star and how they serve as vital tools in chart analysis. Explore the nuances of buying and selling intensity reflected in these patterns, and discover the top candlestick patterns that can empower your trading strategies.
Join Mr. Vivek Bajaj on this enlightening journey to master the art of trading with candlestick patterns and learn more about candlestick formation, charts, and patterns and enhance your trading skills.
About Mr. Vivek Bajaj

The passion for data, analytics and technology is what makes Vivek Bajaj a financial market survivor. The journey as a market participant started in 2002 when the first trade was executed in the options contract of ITC. Life was simpler and easier during that time. Since then technology and Big data have taken over totally. As an early adapter to the complex tools, Kredent was formed to capitalise on the opportunities. He is co-founder of StockEdge and is committed to bring simplicity in the complex world of market data. He is a Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary and an MBA from IIM Indore. He is a part of various committees of exchanges and regulator and he has been an active contributor in the evolution of Indian Derivatives Market.
Learn2Trade Series: Episode 18
Learn2Trade's 18th episode will cover all aspects of a Candlestick, from its formation to its use in trading the stock market. This video is aimed at individuals who are either new to trading in the stock market or already have a basic understanding of the candlestick pattern. To quickly understand the direction of price movements, it is essential to comprehend candlestick chart patterns . Candlestick chart pattern is one way to analyze asset price movements in technical analysis quickly. This video will explain how a candlestick is made and how it can be used to analyze the buying or selling pressure of a stock. Charts will be used to illustrate different types of candlesticks. Finally, Mr. Vivek Bajaj will talk about candlestick patterns and how they can be used in trading strategies. You can watch the whole video to learn more about candlestick formation, charts, and patterns.
What You Will Learn
In this episode of Learn2Trade, navigate with Mr.Vivek Bajaj, about the usage of the Candlestick Chart pattern for trading in stock markets. Whether you're a beginner in the stock market or grappling with the complexities of candlestick patterns, this episode is a must watch!
Candlestick patterns offer traders a visual depiction of price action and market sentiment whether the market is bullish or bearish trends or in other words low or high.
By analyzing the patterns formed by consecutive candlesticks, traders can identify trends, reversals, and potential entry or exit points for trades. Understanding the psychology behind each pattern can help traders make informed decisions and anticipate market movements.
Dive deep into understanding the formation and significance of various candlestick patterns, like Doji, Hammer and Hanging Man, Engulfing Patterns, Morning and Evening Star and how they serve as vital tools in chart analysis. Explore the nuances of buying and selling intensity reflected in these patterns, and discover the top candlestick patterns that can empower your trading strategies.
Join Mr. Vivek Bajaj on this enlightening journey to master the art of trading with candlestick patterns and learn more about candlestick formation, charts, and patterns and enhance your trading skills.
About Mr. Vivek Bajaj

The passion for data, analytics and technology is what makes Vivek Bajaj a financial market survivor. The journey as a market participant started in 2002 when the first trade was executed in the options contract of ITC. Life was simpler and easier during that time. Since then technology and Big data have taken over totally. As an early adapter to the complex tools, Kredent was formed to capitalise on the opportunities. He is co-founder of StockEdge and is committed to bring simplicity in the complex world of market data. He is a Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary and an MBA from IIM Indore. He is a part of various committees of exchanges and regulator and he has been an active contributor in the evolution of Indian Derivatives Market.

Other series by Elearnmarkets
Through this series, watch Vivek Bajaj simplify investing and key components required to build a habit of investing and unleash the power of compounding.
All Episodes
Episode 1Stock Market में Trading की शुरुआत कैसे करे ?
Episode 2Share Market में Trends और Charts कैसे बनाते है?
Episode 3Trading Terminal क्या है और उसका प्रयोग कैसे करे ?
Episode 44000+ Stocks में से कौनसे Stocks Select की जाये?
Episode 5आसान तरीके से Charts Track करे | TradingView का पूर्ण प्रयोग सीखे |
Episode 6Share Market में High Momentum Stocks कैसे निकाले?
Episode 7Sector की तेजी से High Momentum Stocks कैसे निकाले? - Swing Trading Strategy
Episode 8Derivatives का Basic Concept सरल भाषा में |
Episode 9क्या है Commodities Market और क्यों हमें जानना चाहिए?
Episode 10क्या है Commodities Market और इससे पैसे कैसे बनाये ?
Episode 11क्या है Currency Market और कैसे Trade करे?
Episode 12क्या है Moving Average का महत्त्व Share Market में Trading के लिए?
Episode 13केसे समझे Stock Operator क्या कर रहा है?
Episode 14Open Interest से Stock Operator के Position को कैसे समझे ?
Episode 15Stock से सही Time पे कैसे निकलें ?
Episode 16Fibonacci Retracement से Stock Trading कैसे करें ?
Episode 17Stock Trading में कितना Capital और कितना Stop Loss होना चाहिए?
Episode 18Candlestick Patterns क्या है और इससे Trading कैसे करें?
Episode 19Relative Strength से समझें किस Stock में तेज़ी खेलना है।
Episode 20किसी भी Stock के Volatility को कैसे समझें?
Episode 21Bollinger Bands से Volatile Stocks में Trading कैसे करें?
Episode 22Stock से EXIT करने का एक सरल तरीका।
Episode 23Stock Trading के लिए Relative Strength Index को कैसे use करें?
Episode 24अगर Stock Market में Successful होना है तो ये daily करो।
Episode 25Intraday Trade 12 बजे के पहले करो और पैसे बनाओ ।
Episode 26इस Trading Strategy से Powerful Stocks में Trade करें ।
Episode 27Day Trading के लिए Mother-Daughter Trading Strategy |
Episode 28Profitable Stocks में Trade कैसे करें?
Episode 29Operator का move समझने के लिए ये Excel रोज बनाओ |
Episode 30Excelगिरी करो और Stock Operator का Position समझो।
Episode 31Special Gift: Highly Profitable Premium RS Strategy सभी के लीए।
Episode 32Trading Strategies की अहम बातें - Stop Loss, Take Profit etc.
Episode 33Options Trading का पहला कदम।
Episode 34क्या है Option Chain और कैसे Analyse करे? | Options Trading-2
Episode 35Options Greeks का सबसे सरल ज्ञान इधर मिलेगा। Options Trading - 3
Episode 36Options Trading में Implied Volatility क्या होता है ? | Option Trading - 4
Episode 37Options #Strategies कैसे बनाते है? | #Options #Trading - 5
Episode 38एक Options Strategy आपके Extra Earnings के लिए। | Options Trading - 6
Episode 39Straddle और Strangle Options Strategies से Volatile Market में कैसे Trading करे?
Episode 40Technical Analysis Use करके Options में कैसे Trade करे ? | Options Trading - 8
Episode 41High-Risk, High-Return Trading Strategy : Pair Trading
Episode 42A2Z of Currency Market
Episode 43Currency Market का Trading Strategy
Episode 44Copper track करो और Equity में Trade करो।
Episode 45Zinc Commodity को Study करके Stock Trading करो।
Episode 46Nickel Commodity के बारे में पुरा ज्ञान |
Episode 47Aluminium और Lead से किस Sector को Impact होता है?
Episode 48Mother of all Commodities: Crude Oil के बारे में जरूरी ज्ञान।
Episode 49Silver में क्यों और केसे Invest करना चाहिए ?
Episode 50Final #Learn2Trade Session to become a Professional Trader !
Episode 5115 CANDLESTICK Patterns for Profitable Trading !!!
Episode 526 Momentum Indicators a Trader must know!
Episode 53Top Chart Patterns a Stock Trader must know!!!
Episode 54The second most important Stock Market Data!!!
Episode 55Catch the Trend with these 3 Trend Indicators!
Episode 56सीखिए Sectors देखके Strong Stocks Select करने का सही तरीका |
Episode 57How to catch Operator's position in Cash Market Stocks?
Episode 58How to identify which Sector the Stock Operator is betting on?
Episode 59How to Trade/Invest in Falling Market?
Episode 60Top Volatility Technical Indicators You Should Know!!!
Episode 61Short Selling Strategies in Falling Stock Market!
Episode 62How to Track Operator Positions in FnO Stocks??
Episode 62How to Trade Stocks in News???
Episode 63Special Strategy: Stock Trading using Quarterly Results!!!
Episode 64Which SOFTWARE to use for TECHNICAL ANALYSIS ??
Episode 65How I Identified & Traded HUDCO & MCX from my RS Model??
Episode 66How to make money in a Range Bound Market ?

Other series by Elearnmarkets
Watch Mr. Vivek Bajaj introduce the basic concepts of trading and discuss the various stock market indicators.